Dear Friends,

Halleluiah, Christ is risen!

Greetings in the name of our risen Christ who brings joy to us, we prayerfully share his peace with you all.
We wish to thank you all for your continued prayer and support as we continue to serve Christ among the elderly of Rwanda. We are grateful to God that many people here have received Covid 19 vaccines and it gives people confidence as prevention measures continue to be observed.
Here in Rwanda, the 7th of April begins a hundred days of Remembrance to honour and remember the innocent victims of the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi. Easter time for many Rwandans brings the full picture of suffering (Good Friday) and hope for the future (Easter morning). Looking back, the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi took place during Easter. At least ten thousand people were killed daily resulting in a million lives lost in one hundred days! (Human suffering). The darkness and death covered the whole country! Today there is hope for the future as the country is emerging from the darkness into the light and life (“resurrection”).
Twenty-eight years on, the victim families and survivors are still dealing with the pain and trauma of this terrible loss in Rwanda’s history! People have learned to help each other deal with the consequences of this dark past. Bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda (BPMR) comes in to help the elderly who lost their families and have no one to take care of them.
We pray now for all those in other parts of the world suffering, and particularly the terrible situation in Ukraine. In our call to follow Christ may we be ambassadors of his peace in this world of need.
May the Lord richly bless you this Easter and always.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Jerome and Mary Munyangaju
Mission Director: Revd Bobbie Moore: 21 Kilwarlin Avenue, Hillsborough BT26 6LQ
tel: 07746583470
Please send all contributions to: Mrs Eileen Hill, Treasurer 29 Ballydrain Road, Comber BT23 5SS Tel: 028 9187 8877
Enquiries: Mrs Mavis Spiers, 2 Pennington Park, Belfast, BT8 6GJ
Tel: 07720027568
Charity Shop: Ella Tel: 07935094828
NI Charity Ref: NIC106123