Summer 2020 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Thank you for continuing to pray for us and our elderly residents, especially at this difficult time of the Covid-19 Pandemic with its devastation everywhere in the world.
We give thanks for you in our prayers, knowing that many of you are particularly concerned with this whole situation of uncertainties.
It has disappointed us that in the months of April-May, we could not travel to the UK/Ireland because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, and worse than that, the unfolded sad realities for many lives have been lost around the world. Unfortunately, today, there are many who are ill and need healing. Here in Rwanda, at the moment, there are 858 classified as infected by Covid-19, of these, 398 have recovered and left hospital, 458 are still in hospital. We've had 2 deaths that have occurred since the detection of the Virus back in March this Year.
There is now the lock down easing since the 2nd of June, but with lots of precautions. Churches, Schools and places of entertainment are not open for business.
Our residents are keen to observe the precautions as well, though 100yrs old Stephany doesn't like to wear face masks, but she knows how to do it her own way!
During this whole time of isolation, Prayer, and particularly individual families praying at home has been so important, with a sense of urgency and many waiting for God. We are now getting used to watch the Church Services led by various Church Leaders every Sunday morning. We also have a privilege to follow Church Services on social media from different Parishes in Northern Ireland! It has brought us even more closer to home than ever before, and we really enjoy it!
In the churches and community here, there is an unprecedented generosity: the sharing of food items and little money gathered from those who can and distributed to all those in need. Church Leaders of various denominations are reporting an amazing vitality of faith.
Though Bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda, we continue with our caring work for the elderly, obeying the isolation guidelines and the stringent precautions involved with the view to protect our residents because of their age group meaning they can be vulnerable in many ways.
Although not Covid-19 related, we've had hospitalisation for other illnesses several times, and caring in hospital is more overstretched, as patients require families to do all the full time care for their patients.
Now for more than five weeks, Mary's dad, has been and is still critically ill in hospital. We would appreciate your prayers for him and for us to know God's presence in our time of care. He loves Jesus and this gives us hope.
During this time of lock down, we know that many lives have been profoundly affected, our faithful supporters, our volunteers, particularly in the Downpatrick Charity Shop. We pray for all of you that God's protection continues to be upon you.
The key help in whatever situation today for us all, is to keep our full trust in God.
We need to encourage one another in this unfamiliar, anxious journey, so that we can have confidence in God.
The Bible says
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).
Paul also says
"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves... but out sufficiency is from God" (2 Corinthians 3:5)
Last but not least,
"Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!"(Psalm 31:24)
Thank you for your partnership with us in God's work of Caring for the elderly.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Jerome and Mary Munyangaju.
The bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda Charity Shop in Market Street, Downpatrick has re-opened. The volunteers are asking for donations of clothing, bedding, toys, books and bric-a-brac.
The opening hours are 10am to 4pm Monday-Sunday
Mission Director: Revd Bobbie Moore: 21 Kilwarlin Avenue, Hillsborough BT26 6LQ
tel: 07746583470 bobbiemoore1@gmail.com
Please send all contributions to: Mrs Eileen Hill, Treasurer 29 Ballydrain Road, Comber BT23 5SS Tel: 028 9187 8877 hilleileen29@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.bpmr.org.uk
NI Charity Ref: NIC106123