Bird of Paradise Ministries In Rwanda(BPMR)
News and Christmas Greetings 2018
Dear Friends,

Peace and Christmas blessings in 2018. May you rejoice in knowing Jesus, in him, you have received the greatest good news and the best gift of all.
Here in Rwanda Christmas is a bit quiet at the beginning of December and not a lot of shopping for gifts! The city centre has just a few Christmas trees, not a lot of radio and TV commercials though commercialisation is beginning to creep in. On Christmas eve and Christmas Day huge attendance in churches will take place after which families and friends get together to share meals. There is no Santa Claus, except in the city centre Supermarket. Traditionally the New year will be with more spectacular festivities.
2018 has been a year of many blessings for us and the Ministry in general with at least two main highlights; the first one being the purchase of land where BPMR expects to build the first residential home. It has been such a long journey of praying and waiting for God’s timing and provision. At this point we await planning permission from the city land centre.
The second highlight was for both of us to get the opportunity to be at the Bird of Paradise Ministries AGM,and to visit family and friends in Northern Ireland and England. At the AGM we were honoured to have Bishop John McDowell of Clogher Diocese who gave a very inspirational Bible reading. A Huge thank you to all who pray and support BPMR work.
We are grateful to some Churches, house groups and individuals who invited us this time around to share about our continued work of caring for the Elderly in Rwanda. We shared in Bangor Abbey, Clandeboye, Knockbreda, Seagoe, Holywood, Deanery of Loughview meeting, St Aidan’s, Ballinamallard, Clogher cathedral, Glenavy and Killyleagh. For those we did not get to see, please continue to prayerfully support and God willing a visit might be possible next September. It was good to visit BPMR charity shop in Downpatrick and be with the hardworking volunteers who also gave us a fantastic lunch. We wish to thank all those who donate items for sale, and of course those who come in to buy things as a way of supporting the ministry.
Let us share with you where things stand right now. We are planning to build a 10 room house for 25 people. For this we need to raise £12,000 for each room (cost of furniture not included). For this to be achieved we count on your generosity to be able to cover all the costs to achieve this crucial goal. We are delighted to report that one family, a BPMR supporter have recently donated for one of the rooms and gave it a name in memory of their grandmother. We welcome all those who would like to give a donation for a room in memory of their loved one(s)within this proposed dwelling. Our BPMR residents and the needy

elderly within our outreach are in critical need of this facility urgently.
We thank everyone who came to visit us this year including five visitors from Northern Ireland, Canon Terrence Cadden, Rev Adam Smyth, Miriam Hull, Sally Lowry and Carol Smith. It is a great way of encouragement to both of us and our BPMR family as testimony of our interconnections and fellowship within the body of Christ globally.
In closing we wish to express our appreciation to BPMR board of Trustees. Also to friends who invited us for coffees or meals, those who gave us accommodation and transport and all who helped to make our visit and meetings possible.
We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year 2019!
Canon Jerome & Mary Munyangaju.
260 Gikondo Road, PO Box 3041, Kigali.
Email: mariagaju1@gmail.com
Mission Director: Revd Bobbie Moore: 21 Kilwarlin Avenue, Hillsborough BT26 6LQ
tel: 07746583470 bobbiemoore1@gmail.com
Please sent all contributions to: Mrs Eileen Hill, Treasurer 29 Ballydrain Road, Comber BT23 5SS Tel: 028 9187 8877 hilleileen29@yahoo.co.uk
NI Charity Ref: NIC106123
