Caring for the elderly
Christmas 2020

Dear Friends,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ who gives us hope and a future.
In the face of so many discouragements and challenging situations this year caused by the Covid19 pandemic, it seems that ordinary days have gone, but we know that God’s goodness and love remains. He has given us the gift of his Son, Immanuel God with us”. It has been not easy with the conscientious efforts to protect the elderly at lockdowns and the importance of self-quarantine, we praise God they are healthy despite the scare around.

Like many other people who think of the plight of senior citizens, Bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda is actively involved in changing lives of the elderly at this difficult time in their need for shelter, and basic daily necessities of food and care.
Whilst we feel overwhelmed by the needs we see around, we try to reach out to those most vulnerable. November this year, we welcomed Maria, our new resident she is 75 years old (on the left). Maria might look much older and physically frail. She had been on waiting list for the last two years. We hope that this will change her life for the better and she is showing signs of improving even in the short time of her stay.
We are going to celebrate and share Christmas together, with her and all others in our BPMR family and find together the joy and hope that God gives his children. Maria used to live with her orphaned granddaughter; this girl is now able to pursue her studies at University. To both the granddaughter and granny Maria, this will be life changing; Maria has a room and place in our BPMR family home; the granddaughter is released to go away to do her degree and stands more chances for employment and when she completes her education, the plan is that she will come back and re-unite with her granny. The girl, orphaned as a baby, affectionately calls Maria her “Mum”, for she is the one who raised her up.
The needs are huge among many elderly and particularly those that have lost their natural extended family they have become orphans at an old age. We have this unprecedented opportunity to show them that God hasn’t forgotten them. We thank you all our friends who pray and support this vital work.
As our partners in this work of caring for the elderly, we would like you to know that
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” Proverbs 11: 25)
The words in Isaiah 41:10 have been so truly helpful in our lives and we would like you to cling on these promises; “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand”.
Finally yet importantly, we wish you and your family the blessings of Christmas time and the joy of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ once more.
Yours sincerely,
Jerome and Mary Munyangaju
Mission Director: Revd Bobbie Moore: 21 Kilwarlin Avenue, Hillsborough BT26 6LQ
tel: 07746583470 bobbiemoore1@gmail.com
Please send all contributions to: Mrs Eileen Hill, Treasurer 29 Ballydrain Road, Comber BT23 5SS Tel: 028 9187 8877 hilleileen29@yahoo.co.uk
Enquiries: Mrs Mavis Spiers, 2 Pennington Park, Belfast, BT8 6GJ
Tel 07720027568 hspenn@btinternet.com
Website: www.bpmr.org.uk
NI Charity Ref: NIC106123