BPMR – Autumn 2020 Newsletter
“I was a stranger and you took me in” (Matt 25: 35).
Dear Friends
Thank you for your continued support and praying for the work of Bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda. We thank all our supporters, our dedicated team of Trustees and also the BPMR Charity shop volunteers.
It must be overwhelming to see the continued global situation of worry caused by the covid19, but at the same time there is an opportunity during this crisis to focus on what God is doing and also his vision for us to serve him.
It’s now nearly ten years since we opened our home to share it with the destitute elderly. They are elderly orphans as it were, because during the 1994 Tutsi genocide these elderly lost not only their livelihoods, but also their family support network, their entire family connection, and so they remained destitute.
These elderly orphans, now some living in our house, because they had been homeless, need shelter, the basics of food, clothing, medical care and all the necessary care associated with the old age.
Looking at the plight of the elderlies’ destitution, we both (Mary and I}, felt God’s call to respond to their situation. It meant stepping out by faith to be their new family, metaphorically, to be their new “walking stick”, their “helping hand” as well as their “new parents”. These goals were not easy to achieve, but by God’s help it was possible, now living with them under one roof, together we have become an integrated family. That’s a wonderful new normal on both sides experiencing the love of God together, as his new community (age, faith traditions and clan barriers have been overcome!)
God’s vision for BPMR
The BPMR work of caring for the elderly has been ongoing for nearly a decade and those in our care have experienced transformation in every way. They have a hope and future both physically and spiritually. In Rwanda there is a considerable number of elderly people with no families of their own and for that reason, we receive enquiries to get a place in our house. We have no more rooms available, and for some of those we reach out in villages for their practical support when help is available.
We have plans to build a home with more space and facilities so that more can be supported. We’ve been waiting for planning permission, and hopefully we might get it soon. There is already a Kigali City plan that has been released. The area we have purchased and earmarked needs a physical plan with roads to be drawn out by planners soon. Some of our supporters have provided funds now earmarked for the buildings. While we thank all those who have donated, we would like to encourage all our supporters to support so that the building work might start soon.
A Proposed New Build.
Welcome to BPMR Mission Director
BPMR Mission Director since 2015, Revd Bobbie Moore, has recently retired from the Parish leadership of St Aidan in Belfast. During her farewell service she was commissioned by the Bishop of Connor, The Right Reverend George Davison to get actively involved with Bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda. This is Bobbie given a mission re-tread par excellence!
In this regard, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to Revd Bobbie as she once again undertakes to lead our mission. Bobbie brings a huge experience, love, knowledge of Rwanda and its neighbours, in the past having led a major mission society for the Mid-Africa(CMS) area, and also served in the Church of Ireland and in the Australian Anglican Church.
We know we also can count in and indeed commend Revd Raymond Moore as the couple together have a passion for mission and hugely support the work of Bird of Paradise Ministries in Rwanda.
Thinking of how our paths originally crossed with Bobbie and Raymond, it was 1994 in England while getting ready for Jerome’s appointment as Mission Resource Person in Ireland. Whilst in England many folks there; Crosslinks, Mid Africa Ministry(MAM) and others prayed and laid hands on us. In the same year, at the MAM Conference in Swanwick. Bobbie on behalf of Ireland was among those who commissioned us and extended warm welcome to us. This to us was a sign of acceptance of what was to be a future life and work in Ireland for more than twenty years.
Mission work in the whole of Ireland was absolutely a huge and positive experience. This has resulted in an interconnectedness which will live for a very long time. Some of our family including two grandchildren live in Northern Ireland. We live now in Kigali, Rwanda, and we would like the Irish /Rwanda links to continue. This can be done through supporting BPMR, or visiting the country. Please chat with us to let us know if you were to visit so if possible we could meet up and share a cup of Rwanda coffee!
Here in Kigali, we are part of the Irish community so we have been to St Patricks Day celebrations and also we ‘ve been to watch Ireland play Wales in the six Nations Cup.
Let us all together give a chance to our elderly orphans to experience the love of Christ Jesus.
“…., Truly I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of those brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me” (Matthew 25:40).
May the Lord richly bless you,
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Jerome and Mary Munyangaju
Mission Director: Revd Bobbie Moore: 21 Kilwarlin Avenue, Hillsborough BT26 6LQ
tel: 07746583470
Please send all contributions to: Mrs Eileen Hill, Treasurer 29 Ballydrain Road, Comber BT23 5SS Tel: 028 9187 8877
Enquiries: Mrs Mavis Spiers, 2 Pennington Park, Belfast, BT8 6GJ
Tel 07720027568
NI Charity Ref: NIC106123